lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

Transmisión partido en vivo América vs. Cruz Azul, semifinales Copa MX 2013

Hugo Pavone, Aquivaldo Mosquera y Jesús Molina
Hugo Pavone, Aquivaldo Mosquera y Jesús Molina en el partido del América ante el Cruz Azul en el fútbol mexicano el pasado 2 de marzo del 2013. Foto: AP.
La etiqueta de favorito que le han puesto al América de cara al partido de semifinales de la Copa MX ante Cruz Azul no es muy del agrado del defensa Francisco Javier Rodríguez, quien consideró que no será nada sencillo el duelo de este miércoles.
"No me gusta tener etiquetas de ningún tipo ni en selección o en mi club. Me gusta demostrar en la cancha, si la gente nos etiqueta hay que respetarlo, pero hay que demostrar en la cancha y tratar de ganar", dijo.
Manifestó que el cuadro que dirige Miguel Herrera se prepara siempre con el mismo ahínco, en espera de hacer cumplir dentro de la cancha los designios que hace la afición y la prensa especializada fuera de ella: "Demostrar dentro del terreno de juego y tratar de ganar para pasar a la final", aseguró.
La transmisión del partido en vivo entre el América y el Cruz Azulpodrá seguirse a través de la señal de Fox Sports para toda Latinoamérica.

America vs Cruz Azul en VIVO online

Aquí pueden ver el partido America vs Cruz Azul en VIVO online y en directo por internet gratis sin cortes ni interrupciones. El reproductor no es de nuestra propiedad, es de PirloTV.
America vs Cruz Azul en VIVO online

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011

Todavía puede haber una liga de 72 partidos nba

Todavía puede haber una liga de 72 partidos

Categorizado en: Noticias | Posteado por: Quiros
negociaciones Todavía puede haber una liga de 72 partidos
Las negociaciones siguen vigentes y a diario el sindicato de jugadores y los directivos de los equipos hablan y negocian sobre el futuro de la mejor liga de baloncesto del mundo. Como no todos se quieren conformar con poco ya hay rumores de que exista una posibilidad de una liga con nada más y nada menos que 72 partidos.
La verdad es que no habría mucha diferencia entre la liga normal y esta de 72 partidos, pero este cambio supondría que jugadores como Kobe Bryant no logren superar los récords que tienen en mente. Aunque es cierto que al haber menos partidos también pueden jugar a más nivel del que nos tienen acostumbrados.

Si al final hay una liga de 72 partidos las pérdidas económicas no serán tan grandes y las ciudades que tienen equipos no se resentirán tanto. De todas formas, creo que se podría jugar una liga completa haciendo que termine más tarde.
Esperemos que sí que haya esta liga de 72 partidos, ya que menos es nada. Si al final hay una liga reducida disfrutaremos también del baloncesto, aunque en menor medida. Que haya esta liga o no depende de las negociaciones, cosa que sabremos dentro de poco.

NBA season could depend on coming days

Posted Nov 11 2011 8:31PM
NEW YORK (AP) -- The time for talk in the NBA is over.
David Stern made that clear Thursday, saying the league is done negotiating. The next time he hears from the players' association, he expects an answer: Yes, players will accept the league's latest proposal for a new collective bargaining agreement, or no they won't.
If they do, the NBA will commence with a 72-game season on Dec. 15.
And if no? Then the next time LeBron James, Kobe Bryant and the rest of the NBA's biggest stars are in uniform, it might be in London during next summer's Olympics.
So the NBA's lengthy labor fight could come to an end this week. Or, the next phase might just be beginning.
Should players reject this deal - and they certainly don't love it - the next one comes with terms they would never accept, likely sending them into the court system to file an antitrust lawsuit against the league after disbanding the union. That's far from an assured victory, but it practically assures there would be no 2011-12 season.
Stern knows which he prefers - and which he thinks the union should accept.
"We both recognize the seriousness of what we're facing," he said. "I think both sides would like to begin the season on Dec. 15th, if that's possible. I think our teams want to start playing. That desire is matched by our players. We've done the best we can to cause that to happen. I think the events of the week and the offer that we presented had the desired impact of causing us both to focus intensely on whether there was a deal here to be done. We very much want to make the deal that's on the table that would get our players into training camp and to begin the 2011-12 season.
"I don't have a crystal ball. I just have the ability to hope that it will come to that and that our players will accept this revised proposal from the NBA."
That's far from guaranteed.
The revised proposal makes some improvements over the one players said was unacceptable after a meeting of team representatives earlier in the week. A person directly involved with the talks told The Associated Press on Friday that there are some within the league - including owners - who "can't believe" players would hesitate to accept it.
"All this deal does is slow the growth of player salaries," the person said. "No one will be taking any cut. Their response to the movement on Wednesday and Thursday is very disappointing."
But it doesn't address all the players' concerns about the salary cap system. They have said before they would agree to the financial concessions owners are demanding if there is more movement toward their issues with the system.
"There are some important issues we feel that we need to close this out in order to get a deal done, in particular when you consider the economic concessions we have made thus far," union president Derek Fisher said.
The revised proposal will allow teams over the luxury tax to participate in sign-and-trades for the first two years of the 10-year deal, which would have the union's desired opt-out after six years. The "mini" midlevel exception for taxpayers would be for three years and $3 million annually, up from two years and $2.5 million, and another midlevel would be included for teams that are under the cap.
Annual raises were upped to 6.5 percent for "Bird" players re-signing with their own teams and 3.5 percent for others, but that's still far below the 10.5 percent and 8 percent in the expired CBA. And players remain concerned that the "repeater" penalties the league wants to charge teams that are over the tax more than three times in a five-year span would be so punitive that it would scare some teams from spending, limiting the options they would have in free agency.
The revised proposal also includes additional salary limitations on teams over the cap that use the midlevel or sign-and-trades that would prevent them from using the Bird exception, and would not only raise the escrow from 8 percent to 10 percent of salaries, but if there was a shortfall would make up the rest through deductions the following season.
Union officials have repeatedly said the system issues are perhaps more important to them than the split of basketball-related income, but owners say they need fundamental changes in both to allow for a chance to profit and to ensure more competitive balance throughout the league.
"They're trying to put a system in place that severely restricts the players when competitive balance can be absolutely taken care of through proper revenue sharing," agent Mark Bartelstein said.
Displeasure with the proposal from the players' side was all over the internet Friday. Problem is, players know what comes next if they reject this deal: one that would call for 53-47 split of BRI in the owners' favor, a flex cap with a hard ceiling, and rollbacks of current contracts. That's why Fisher and union executive director Billy Hunter, who said it was "not the greatest proposal in the world," have little choice but to see if it's one the players could support.
So Hunter said he'll have the player reps back to New York on Monday and "sit them down to say, `You sent us out to get something, here is what we're coming back with. Let's sit down and decide what our next option is. What are we going to do? Are we going to go back and attempt to engage the NBA again to see if we can get something or what are our other options?"'
They can forget that one. After a two-month flurry of meetings in hotels throughout New York, Stern is all talked out and wants the deal done.
"We have done everything possible that was possible to do given our joint goals of both having a sound economic model and having the most competitive league," he said. "The union raised some issues, and we discussed those with the (labor relations) committee. We moved as far as we could move. So now we are at where we're at. I'm optimistic that the NBA owners will approve it if the union approves it. We await the response from the union. We've done our best."
Many players want to go back to work, and a 72-game season allows them to make back some of the money that seemed lost. They would collectively be out $250 million in salaries, about $100 million less than Hunter had said they would forfeit for every month they were locked out.
But Hunter said Tuesday on NBA TV he was aware that perhaps 200 players were in the process of signing decertification cards, so the fight may soon be out of his hands. He has only a few days left to see if that can be avoided.
"It's been a long haul, man," he said. "We're coming near the end of it. We're trying to get this thing done."LATEST HEADLINES - NBA NEWS

Manny Pacquiao vs Juan Manuel Marquez En Vivo

Manny Pacquiao vs Juan Manuel Marquez En Vivo

Recuerden que este sabado 12 de Noviembre se transmitira la pelea entre Manny "Pac Man" Pacquiao y Juan Manuel "dinamita" Marquez. Como siempre dandoles el mejor servicio aqui en
se transmitira en esta pagina, de forma segura y gratuita.

Veamos ahora algunas referencias acerca de estos dos exelentes boxeadores:

Manny Pacquiao, boxeador filipino de 32 años, actual campeon peso welter de la OMB
con un total de 58 peleas:
53 victorias, 38 por via de "nocaut"
3 derrotas
2 Empates 
Y actualmente considerado el mejor boxeador del mundo libra por libra por la revista "The Ring"

Juan Manuel Marquez, Boxeador Mexicano de 38 años, actual campeon de los pesos ligeros de la AMB
un total de 59 peleas:
53 victorias, 39 de ellas por "nocaut"
5 derrotas
1 empate.
Gran estrella mexicana y ganador de 2 guantes de oro.

Gran ambiente en el pesaje de Juan Manuel Márquez y Manny Pacquiao

Manny Pacquiao y Juan Manuel Márquez cumplieron con el pesaje oficial para su tercera pelea en medio de una gran ambiente de boxeo en el MGM de Las Vegas.

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

Pumas vs Morelia en Vivo final 2011 por internet gratis mirar

Pumas vs Morelia en Vivo final 2011 por internet gratis mirar

Recuerda que gracias a v, podrás ver el partido Pumas contra Morelia en vivo 2011, este 22 de mayo de 2011, donde el equipo de Pumas busca coronarse campeón ante un Morelia que se ha caracterizado en ese torneo por ser un buen visitante. A pesar de la gran característica del Morelia de ser uno de los mejores visitantes del torneo, los pumas tiene la cualidad de ser uno de los equipos mejor conservados cuando se trata del nivel de juego de locales. Pumas se mantuvo prácticamente en el primer lugar de la tabla general durante todo el torneo, a excepción de la última jornada, cuando perdieron el liderato general ante los tigres. Pumas vs Morelia en vivo 2011.
Pumas vs Morelia en vivo por Internet, la gran final del fútbol mexicano aquí por
Final Pumas vs Morelia en vivo 2011
Recuerda seguir el partido Pumas contra Morelia en vivo con nosotros aquí.

Enlaces Patrocinados

Pumas vs Morelia en Vivo Final 2011

Pumas vs Morelia en Vivo Final 2011
Pumas vs Morelia en vivo 2011. la gran final del torneo mexicano 2011, se lleva a cabo este próximo domingo 22 de mayo de 2011, en punto de las 12:00pm tiempo del centro de México seguido la finalPumas vs Morelia en vivo 2011, se juega en el estadio de la Ciudad universitaria en México Distrito Federal, este domingo.
Después de haber conseguido el empate en el estadio Morelos, en Morelia Michoacán, el equipo de pumas tiene laoportunidad de irse a casa a llevarse el trofeo al que su afición, este próximo domingo.
Pumas vs Morelia en vivo 2011.
Podrás seguir el partido Pumas contra Morelia la gran final del fútbol mexicano aquí a través de
los horarios oficiales del partido Pumas vs Morelia en vivo 2011, son los siguientes:
12:00pm Mexico, Centro USA
12:00pm Colombia, Panamá, Ecuador
2:00pm Argentina, Chile, Paraguay
7:00pm España
No te pierdas el Pumas vs Morelia en vivo 2011 aquí.

Domingo 22 de Mayo, 12:00 Hora de México